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Monday, March 21, 2011

Forcast Sunshine!!

What a beautiful day!! After three days of rain - now the gorgeous sunshine. Left behind from the equally marvelous rain fall are billowing clouds and brilliant blue skies. I can hear the birds sing in the trees; their song seems to echo my words. On a day like today I am motivated to live better and by chance I started a new work out with a friend. We need the contrast of bad to appreciate the good. After days of wanting to snuggle down with a warm blanket and hot cocoa I now fell like throwing off the covers and moving.
Life can feel like that a series of rain storms; they hold some charm but the overall effects on your life are mostly soggy. I missed the warm sun on my shoulders at the beach this weekend, the long walks and feel of the sand between my toes. This is California after all and last month we had a magical weekend on the beach with perfect days and colorful sunsets… but not this trip. I read a news head line recently, it said “Spring arrives and so does the Allergy Season” which gives me a little bit of positive with a little bit of negative. On a day like this one I choose to feel only gratitude. I say be gone to the negatives and bring on the positive. Oh wow, look out my window I think I see a rainbow!