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Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog Monday, not to be confused with Blah Monday!

Today was my first day back from the visit to Utah, so I am feeling a bit blah. It takes some time for me to get back into the rhythm of my life. I took my little dog Tiny (all 3 ½ pounds of her) with me on the trip. Tiny keeps walking over to her water and food dishes, back and forth as though she is checking out that all is there and back to normal. Travel can be hard for a spoiled little dog.
While I was in Utah I also went to a premiere of BYU‘s most recent animated film project. My son Michael was the Supervising Technical Director of the film called “DreamGiver.” The 1,400 seat theatre was filled to the brim, along with my family, husband Craig, Savanna, Jon, Brandon, Aunt Jackie, Brit, myself and others who love Michael… what an amazing day for Michael & Brit (her support is fantastic). Bill Perkins an Art Director from Disney (Aladdin, etc.) introduced the film saying, it “looks like a professional category film… it’s stunning.” The film already won a “Student Emmy” (shh it is a secret) and hopes to take other awards in the future… Michael’s talent is showcased so perfectly in the film, so so proud of him --- enough of my excitement you can read an article about it at


  1. THAT'S MY HONEY!! What a proud bunch of women we are! You get the Gatorade - I will distract him while you and Savanna pour it on his head! Congrats Michael!!

  2. thanks so much for comin ma (and Craig, Brandon and Jackie... and everyone else)! It was really a perfect end to a lot of hard work! It was great to have everyone there! Glad you enjoyed it!!
